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Allergic 2 Broke Page 3

  “Huh?” She said.

  “You heard me girl, so don’t act like you can’t hear. What are y’all coming in here to ask me?”

  Quita looked at Lexi, but she just put her head down.

  “I just wanted to know if Lexi could spend the night with me. We just got a new house,” Quita said excitingly.

  “Please mom.” Lexi gave Barbra the saddest puppydog face.

  “I don’t know I’ll have to see,” she said.

  “Please Mrs. Woods, my mom and dad aren’t drinking today ‘cause my dad is sick,” Quita told her.

  “I guess, but Lexi better have her ass home by 12’o’clock tomorrow and I’m not playing,” Mrs.Woods told them sternly.

  “Okay ma thank you so much.” Lexi got up and gave her mom a big hug and kiss.

  “Come on Quita and help me pack an over night bag,” Lexi said sounding all excited.

  “Okay, I’m coming. Thanks again Mrs. Woods,” Quita said before she went to help her home girl pack. The rest of the night was going to be a blast. Quita and Lexi ended up sneaking her mom and dad's Mad Dog. They got drunk and passed out. After about a week in the new spot shit went right back to the norm. Ricky and Lena was fighting and getting high as usual.

  So much had already happened in Quita’s young life. Ricky had beaten her mom with a pipe while she was still in the womb. She had her collarbone broken when she was two because her father and his brother were drunk and started fighting over him grabbing Lena’s ass. They were constantly living in different houses, and most of them were an inch from being condemned.

  Then when shit didn’t seem like it could get any worse it did. One night Laquita and her mom were at home watching TV together, which was rare. All of a sudden a bright ass light blinding both of them flashed through the windows.

  When Lena got up to see what the commotion was, the front door was kicked in hitting Lena in the mouth and busting her lip. Laquita hopped off the couch with the quickness only to be knocked back down on her ass by the police. They had a snitch to wear a wire to set her dad up. He wasn’t there so Lena got the lick. They were there to get Ricky, but to their surprise he wasn’t there. He drove by watching the boys bring his lady and sixteen year old daughter out in hand cuffs.

  They took both of them to the police station for a routine strip search finger, printing and interrogation. Lena and her daughter were eventually told they were free to go. Laquita was so humiliated because they made her bend over touch her toes and cough to see if she was holding any drugs in her pussy or ass. Quita cried like a baby for the rest of that night. Lena tried to comfort her, but Quita didn’t care what she had to say. Ricky saw the boys at the crib that night and dipped. He made a phone call to Tank, his supplier, and went to Detroit, MI.

  A few months later Lena followed right behind him, dragging Laquita along with her kicking and screaming literally. Quita had no choice but to go because her family didn’t give a fuck about her welfare enough to keep her there with them.

  The crib they lived in was fucked up on so many levels. There were six or seven people in a building that could have easily housed over one hundred families. It was a run down and drug filled place. Ricky paid rent by doing repairs to the old ran down building.

  The lady who owned the building was really nice. She would invite them to dinner at her home in Southfield, MI and on many occasions would buy little odds and ends for their crib. Laquita still hated her life and didn’t want to live there no matter how nice some of the people were. She had to drop out of school because if she enrolled in school up there her parents might have been caught.

  The bad thing was she wanted to finish high school, and Central High was just across the street from them. They lived on Tuxedo St, and she met a few kids that went to the school, so that part was cool. One day Ricky tried to get her to fuck a local drug dealer, so he could get high for free. Quita wasn’t having that. She stayed as far away from dude as possible because he was scary. Other than that everything was going pretty good with her mom and dad. Despite the drugs they had gotten decent jobs and they both were bringing in at least three hundred seventy five dollars a week each. Working everyday didn’t stop them from getting high, but a least they weren’t bumming money from other people. That shit was embarrassing for Quita.

  One day Ms. Rita didn’t pay Ricky the money that she owed him for doing some work she had him do at her crib. Ricky called her to see if she had his money and she got real slick out the mouth about paying him. Before Ricky had a chance to think about what she had just said to him, he spaced out and cursed her so bad. He called her so many bitches it was ridiculous.

  After Ricky finished giving Ms. Rita a mouth full he and Lena told Quita they would be back. She knew what they were up to because it was payday. Quita was scared to stay at home by herself because it was always something going on in the building. She knew that since Ricky cursed out the landlady the shit was going to really hit the fan.

  Quita had just came out the kitchen with a can of soda and flopped on the couch to find something to watch on the TV when somebody started banging on the door so hard she thought they would break it off the hinges.

  “Who the fuck is it?” Quita asked yelling out trying to sound like she wasn’t scared. Bang, Bang, Bang. Quita hurried back into the kitchen to get a butcher’s knife to try to protect herself from what was on the other side of the door. Shit it could be a crazed crack head for all she knew.

  “Quita open the door it’s Dez!”

  “Why are you knocking on the door like that?” She asked him through the door.

  “Just let me in,” he demanded.

  After going back and fourth for a good five minutes Dez had finally persuaded Quita to let him in the crib. Before she let him in she looked through the peephole to make sure it was him. She saw that Dez had his finger over it.

  “Why are you covering the peep hole?” Quita asked.

  Quita finally opened the door, only to be knocked to the floor by some niggas dressed in hooded sweatshirts with bandannas over their mouths. They were there to murk her father for calling their moms a bitch. They came prepared with AK 47’s, glocks and some other powerful shit. They were coming to kill Ricky and anybody that stood in their way. They searched the whole crib like they were on an Easter egg hunt to see who would find the million dollar egg. They looked in cabinets, under beds, the oven, and even the refrigerator. They searched anywhere someone could possibly hide, and even in some places only a dog or cat could hide.

  Damn dummies did all that only to come up empty,’ Quita thought to herself as she sat on the couch pissing all over herself. Dez snapped her out of the trance she was in.

  “Quita were the fuck is your dad?” Dez’s older brother Doc asked.

  “Huh?” she asked.

  “I said where the fuck your dad at?” He repeated.

  “They went out. I don’t know where they went though,” Quita said.

  “Tell that nigga to get at me when he gets back. We out,” he said snapping his fingers at the goons that were with him. They left as quickly as they barged in.

  Quita sat on the couch stuck for what seemed like two hours, but in reality it had only been twenty minutes. Later that night Lena and Ricky strolled in looking high. Quita quickly jumped up and told Ricky what happened with tears streaming down her face. He got sober real quick, and made that dreadful phone call to Dez. They had a long conversation and squashed everything.

  That was the only time Quita actually saw her pops apologize to someone and mean it. Looking back at her past Quita always became depressed, but she also looked at it as a learning experience. After everything she had been through she knew that the good Lord was preparing her for more to deal with in life. After she was damn near killed her mom and dad didn’t slow that crack shit down. They sped that shit up like they were NASCAR drivers.

  After all of that shit that went down Quita packed up her shit and went back to West Virginia to stay with her older sister D
ashiki and her year old son Tyrone.

  That shit wasn’t what it was cracked up to be either. For the shit she went through with her sister she figured she could have stayed up there with her mom and dad.

  Chapter 1

  “Hey, what’s up ho?” Quita yelled when she spotted her homegirl Lexi hopping out of this fine dude named J-Roc’s car.

  “Where the hell you coming from?” Quita asked all up in the business.

  “Damn, stop being so damn nosey,” Lexi spat.

  “Yeah whatever ho,” Quita said waving her off because she knew that her girl would give her the 411 when J-Roc was long gone.

  “What’s good J-Roc?” Quita asked smiling from ear to ear.

  “Ain’t shit ma just chillin,’ what’s popping?” He asked.

  “Nothing, I’ve been looking for Ms. MIA, but since she been with you I guess she’s alright.”

  “Come on Quita you know me better than that. You know I got her, she in good hands,” he told her with a smirk on his face.

  “Ok, ok break it up y’all.” Lexi broke up their conversation, so she could go.

  “Look nigga I’ll call you later.” She walked away from the car afraid to kiss him in front of Quita.

  “A'ight yo, I’ll just holla at you later,” J-Roc said pulling away from the curb riding down G Street with his system bumping.

  “Lexi you need to keep that nigga around ‘cause he paid,” Quita said the minute J-Roc pulled off.

  “Shit, girl I know. That’s something you ain’t gots to tell me. The only thing is his dick game raggedy as hell.” Lexi admitted. They both busted out laughing.

  “You are too stupid. On the real, fuck his dick game. He got money and a dope ass ride,” Quita advised her.

  “Oh don’t get it fucked up. He ain’t going nowhere for now., Lexi said hyped.

  “When did the nigga get that ‘94 Mustang 5.0 with Daytons? That shit is on fire and it’s shiny black. All I got to say is you better watch his ass, ‘cause these get ‘em girls will damn sure fuck his ass,” Quita told her.

  “Girl. I dunno when he got the car, but I know every chance I get I’m flossin' in that shit,” Lexi boasted.

  When Quita took a better look at Lexi’s outfit she got pissed because she had already told her what she was wearing to the park that day and here she was sporting damn near the same thing.

  They were rocking white tank top shirts, tennis skirts and some ‘54’ 11’ Reebok classic sneakers. The only thing that was different about their outfits was that Laquita’s skirt was hot pink and Lexi’s was baby blue. They were walking around looking like twins. ‘Bitch always trying to out shine a muthafucka,’ Quita thought to herself.

  They both walked through the park to watch the niggas dunk girls in the pool. The park was always off the hook. Anybody who was somebody would be there. You would see niggas with their tricked out rides showing off, fights, and just about anything you can imagine going down in the hood. One other thing Quita liked about the park was that if you had beef with a bitch you would run into her there.

  “Damn ho, I told you I had boosted this shit from the mall the other day and here you are rocking the same shit. I ain’t trying to be your damn twin,” Quita said jokingly.

  “Whatever, I just grabbed this out the closet last night before J-Roc came to get me, so don’t worry I’m not trying to be like ya ass!” Lexi said being sarcastic.

  “I’m just fucking with yo' ass, so stop being so damn defensive.” Quita tried to cover up her aggravation.

  They approached the park and Lexi nudged Quita on the arm to show her that her dude Timmy was watching her, but Quita had already spotted him.

  Quita wanted to run over to him and kiss his fat juicy lips but she kept her composure. She didn’t want to seem too needy, so she just played like she didn’t see his ass.

  She would’ve gotten him to take her home to change her get up, but she was really filling out the outfit. ‘Besides who really cares if we are dressed alike,’ she thought to herself. Laquita had that same coke bottle shape that her mother once had, and poor Lexi was straight up and down.

  “Damn, bitch why you so quiet?” Lexi asked curious.

  “Oh girl, I’m just thinking bout some shit,” Quita responded.

  “Thinking about what?” Lexi probed.

  “I ain’t thinking bout shit girl. Just life,” Quita said. Lexi could see Quita wasn’t about to tell her shit, so she backed off. They continued walking around staying to themselves.

  She was really thinking about Timmy. ‘Could he really like me?’ She asked herself. Laquita and Timmy had been kicking it for little over three months and she was really starting to dig this nigga. It was starting to scare her because she didn’t know what his feelings or intentions were.

  Quita was thinking back to the first night she met him. It was the way things were meant to be. She went to this club called “The Hole in the Wall” with her girls to have a drink. She saw this fine ass nigga holding up the wall looking good as hell in his Girbaud outfit and wheat Timberlands. He was chilling with his boys Chris, Davon, and J-Roc, standing around like they were celebrities on BET.

  Laquita knew who he was, but never really paid him any attention since he was 21 and she had just turned 16. He was a fine ass dark Hershey’s Kiss looking mufucka with the prettiest white teeth. All Quita could think when she saw him that night was how fine dark skinned brothers with pretty white teeth turned her on.

  Timmy was watching the ass on the dance floor and talking shit with his boys. He looked up and when he spotted Quita he lost his train of thought for a moment, Timmy knew she was mad young because he had gone to school with her older sisters, but he had to have her.

  Before he got a chance to approach her, DJ T Moe threw on “Put It In Your Mouth.” Laquita, Lexi and their girls ran out on the dance floor,like they were on fire. They were ready to pop their pussies to the song. Laquita quickly took the opportunity to get and keep Timmy’s attention by using her Heineken bottle to sing a verse of the song to him seductively. “Put in my mouth….in my mutha fuckin’ moooouth, and you can eat me out.

  Quita’s plan was working because Timmy’s eyes were glued to her. The only thing he could do was watch her do her thang. Timmy nudged his boy Davon to see ol’girl. Davon was standing beside Timmy in awe smiling from ear to ear. Next thing you know the DJ spins “Big Booty Ho’s Hump Wit It”, and why did he do that? Quita and her girls went fucking crazy. They were on that song like flies to shit.

  They got on their heads and started popping thie pussies. Quita started doing a split. They were acting like the song was going out of style. They wore mini dresses in all different colors with biker shorts under them, so they didn’t care that their asses were exposed. Timmy and his boys were bugging out. Timmy’s mouth was hanging wide open like he was in a daze. Looking at Quita made his manhood stand to attention. He wanted to fuck her right then and there. She was acting like a stone cold freak. She was licking her lips and touching herself as she danced and made eye contact with Timmy.‘Yeah she wants the kid,” Timmy thought.

  When the song went off they were out of breath and thirsty as a black man in the desert. They pranced over to the bar to get a quick drink before round two. Quita was waiting to hear “Tootsie Roll” by the 69 boys and “This Is How We Do It”, by Montell Jordan so that she and her girls could get on the floor and do their already practiced dance routine. They each ordered a double shot of Hennessey, and a Heineken. Laquita noticed Timmy eyeballing her curvaceous body from afar, but she tried to act like she didn’t see him. She pulled a twenty out of her bra to pay for her drink, but someone had grabbed her hand just as she was about to pay the bartender. Quita turned around heated.

  “What the fuck! What’s up with you grabbing my arm like that nigga?”

  “I’m tryin’ to get ya drink, but I wasn’t expecting to get my ass beat,” he told her. Quita was so embarrassed.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know who you w
ere,” Quita admitted.

  “Oh, so you are a feisty little something huh?”

  “No, you just caught me off guard,” Quita said blushing at his comment.

  For a moment they stood lost in each other’s eyes. That was until the bartender told them how much the drinks were.