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- Carrey, Teruka
Allergic 2 Broke Page 4
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“Oh, my bad shorty here you go,” Timmy said reaching into his pocket. He gave her a fifty-dollar bill to cover the drinks for her and her girls.
“Baby girl who you fuck wit’?” Timmy bluntly asked her.
“Damn nigga. I don’t know you and you all up in my mix.” Quita said.
“I guess that means you single?” Timmy asked not giving up.
“Hey Quita we bout to hit the dance floor, you coming?” Lexi asked busting up Quita and Timmy’s conversation.
“Nah, I’m chillin’ for a minute. I’ll be out there in a sec.” Quita told her.
“Damn, that nigga already got you like that?” Lexi asked being funny.
“You know what Lexi take your PHD and hit the dance floor ho,” Quita said jokingly.
“Fuck you Quita!” Lexi spat.
“I told you I’m strictly dickly! I don’t fuck broads, but I will fuck they man,” Quita told her laughing.
“Whatever” Lexi said finishing her drink while staggering off.
Quita did want to hit the floor with her girls, but she wanted to see what Timmy was talking about, and she was honestly tired as hell.
“Do y’all always argue like that?” Timmy inquired.
“Hell yeah but she’s like my sister, so we go back and forth all the time. It’s nothing,” Quita told him.
“Oh word,” he said.
“Yeah word,” Quita said to him smiling.
“The answer is nobody,” Quita said out from nowhere.
“My bad, what are you talking about ma?” Timmy asked confused. Quita caught him off guard.
“The question you asked me earlier, ‘bout who I be fuckin’ with? The answer is nobody. I’m very single,” she told him.
“Oh that’s good.” Timmy said.
“Why is that a good thing?” Quita asked knowing what he would say.
“Because that would be a problem, and I ain’t trying to fuck a nigga up tonight, ‘cause I want ya little ass,” he stated bluntly.
“Oh is that right?” Quita was flattered and Timmy could tell.
They were enjoying their conversation and getting to know each other as much as possible in a club. Quita was thinking about everything. She could see herself being his wife and having his kids. She was basically thinking too far ahead. She always had a craving for male attention. With all of the emotional troubles she had with her father his love wasn’t strong enough for her. All of a sudden Quita’s thoughts were interrupted by Timmy’s homeboy Davon talking shit about Quita and her girls setting it off on the dance floor earlier.
“Yo, shorty you and your girls wrecked shop out there! It’s been a long time since I saw a group of bitches get down like that,” he told her.
“Excuse me, what did you just say nigga?” Quita asked him.
“What you mean? I was just giving ya’ll props that’s all shorty,” Davon said confused.
Quita put her drink down on the bar.
“Well, you don’t ever refer to me and my peeps as bitches! We didn’t call you a fucking bum did we?” Quita said picking her drink back up off the bar.
“Damn, my bad shorty! I wasn’t trying to disrespect you or nothing it’s just a figure of speech,” Davon told her.
“Oh trust me I know you wasn’t being disrespectful I just can’t stand that word. You good just don’t let it happen again,” Quita said.
Quita was pissed off ‘cause here this ugly ass nigga was trying to act like his shit didn’t stink. ‘Walking around with all them damn craters in his face, Swiss cheese face’. She laughed aloud at her thoughts. Quita was becoming annoyed with Davon because he had fucked up her flow with Timmy, tripping like he never seen pussy before.
“Yo, ma what’s ya name?” Davon asked her.
“It’s Quita,” she said sucking her teeth.
“Yo T, why ya girl trippin’?” Davon asked looking all sad and shit.
“Shit my nigga. I guess you pissed her off,” Timmy told him.
“Yo, shorty I said sorry for that shit, but anyway homegirl with the red dress on is banging. What’s her name?” He asked Quita
“Oh, that’s my girl Rachel.” She told him.
“Man she’s bad as fuck. Yo, hook a nigga up fo’ sho ‘cause I need her on my team,” Davon said.
Quita just looked at him with the screw face.
“Fuck that, nigga you can hook yourself up. This ain’t match maker!” Quita shouted over the music. Timmy just looked at Davon all fucked up and that nigga stepped off real quick.
Quita turned away from Timmy and Davon to get another drink only to be ignored by the funny shaped bartender Trina. She and Quita had been beefing a few months back over Trina’s ex-boyfriend Trey. He was Quita’s ex too.
Trey was fucking around with both of them for a good minute, but he was in a relationship with Quita first. He ended up getting Trina knocked up and she had his seed, which broke Quita’s heart. Trina really hated Quita because Trey had been in love with Quita for years, and Trina knew that. If Quita would have his ass he would more than likely drop her and her kid to be with her. Quita kicked his ass to the curb because of his whorish ways, but she still loved him very deeply.
Timmy tapped her on the arm to see if he could buy her another drink, but she declined. Quita didn’t like accepting handouts and especially not from a nigga. They figured if they bought you a few drinks in the club at the end of the night a chick was obligated to spread eagle. She was not having that shit.
Timmy wasn’t giving up on buying that drink, so she finally gave in and let him buy it.
“When can I see that pretty smile of yours again?” Timmy asked.
“You can see it real soon sweetie,” she told him.
“How soon is that ma ma?” Timmy wanted to know.
“Give me ya number and I’ll call you,” Quita said.
“Can we exchange numbers?” Timmy asked making sure she wasn’t trying to play him.
“That’s cool too,” Quita said grabbing a napkin to write down her digits. Timmy did the same.
D.J T. Moe threw on this country song called “Its Closing Time” and everybody headed towards the door. Some left with creeps for the night and some were going home by themselves.
The lights were starting to come on and Timmy and Laquita was still talking their heads off. Quita was actually enjoying his conversation, because he wasn’t talking about fucking or bragging about how big his dick was. Quita was tired of niggas trying to holla and the only convo they had was how big they dicks were. Chances were niggas who always bragged on their sex skills were working with a three or four inch penis. She just couldn’t believe he had spent the whole night talking to her with no guarantee of getting the pussy.
“So Quita you Lexi and ya girls want to roll with us to the Waffle House to get something to eat?” Timmy asked her.
“Nah we good, but thanks for the offer,” Quita said politely turning Timmy down.
“Oh it’s like that? I can’t feed you?” He asked looking sad.
“Feed me huh?” Quita asked with a straight face, but she was smiling inside. It wasn’t that she didn’t want him to feed her. She didn’t like getting in the car when the person driving had been drinking. She’d been so many accidents over the years.
Before she could finish her thoughts Lexi’s drunk ass butted in. She was game for damn near anything. Quita figured what the hell.
“Yeah we’ll go.” She gave. Quita went against her better judgment and went with them. Kali and Jade had dipped on them at one because they couldn’t get a decent conversation from the opposite sex.
Davon was trying to spit game to Rae, but after a couple of dances he could see why she didn’t have a man.
Rachel was mad cool, but she had a bad body odor. How do you tell your friend that she stinks? That shit was so hard, so she would just buy her deodorant and Victoria’s Secret perfumes. Despite her efforts the shit didn’t work. Rae didn’t take the hint, so Quita just let it go. It was embarrassing f
or Quita because she had to deal with the questions from the niggas trying to holla at Rae.
At the Waffle House everybody was having a good time. Timmy and Quita were having light conversation over breakfast. She was only having a few pieces of sausage and toast, because she was very picky about her food. “Quita, can I ask you a question?” Timmy asked in a low whisper.
“What’s up?”
“Can I make love to you?” Timmy whispered.
‘Here we go I knew it wouldn’t be long damn corn ball,’ she thought. She damn near choked on her food. She finished up what was left in her mouth before she answered.
“In due time baby, in due time,” she said taking a drink of her sprite.
“Yeah, that’s what’s up. I like that answer,” he said rubbing her leg under the table.
J-Roc and Lexi looked at each other and busted out laughing because they caught Quita calling Timmy baby.
“You know what fuck both of y’all,” Quita said flipping them the bird.
Timmy grabbed Quita by the waist and pulled her closer to him so he could smell her. Quita couldn’t pull away because she was mad tired and ready to go home. Lexi and J-Roc was all over each other like they were going to get busy at the table.
“Ok hot cock, break it up we ready to bounce,” Quita said putting Lexi on blast.
“Damn Quita I know you not playing CB tonight, are you?” Lexi asked her trying to pull her bitch card.
“Never that ‘cause I gets mine! I’m just ready to go,” Quita spat.
“Damn, ok ho,” Lexi told her rolling her eyes. J-Roc paid the bill and they headed home.
Timmy walked Quita to the door and gave her the softest peck on the lips. ‘His lips are so soft, and he smells so good,’ she thought. They all departed and went their separate ways for the night. Quita went into the crib floating on cloud nine. She was so excited about hooking up with Timmy that she tossed and turned all night thinking about him.
Chapter 2
The constant ringing of the phone woke Quita out of her slumber. She looked at the caller ID, but didn’t recognize the number. She figured it was Timmy and picked up. She answered the phone on the third ring in the sexiest, sleepy voice she could concoct.
“Ummm, hello” Quita answered.
“Good morning, did I wake you?” Timmy said.
“No. I was just laying here. What’s up?” She asked.
“Damn girl, you sound sexy as hell in the morning. I was calling to see what you getting into baby girl?” Timmy said.
“Oh, I don’t have anything on my agenda today. Maybe a little R and R that’s all,” Quita told him.
“Well, I guess my next question is out then,” Timmy said.
“It all depends. What’s your next question?” She asked.
“I was calling to see if you wanted to chill wit’ a nigga and grab some lunch or sumthin’.”
Quita thought about it for a second and agreed to go. She was game to go because Dashiki never kept that much food in the crib. She always took little Tyrone out to eat or had something delivered.
“A’ight I’m game. Where we going?” Quita asked.
“It’s a surprise baby, but I’ll be there round one so be ready,” Timmy told her.
“Oh I will be ready. You just be here on time,” Quita told him.
“A’ight, bet,” he told her disconnecting the call.
Quita lay in the bed for twenty minutes or so before she got up. She went to the CD player on her dresser and threw on some Mary J Blige to listen to while she showered. The 411 was the hottest R & B album out and Quita loved to listen to it or SWV when she was showering or cleaning.
By the time she got out of the shower it was already 12 o’clock and she knew Timmy was going to be there at one. ‘Let me hurry my ass up,’ she thought. While she was getting dressed Lexi called her to see what she was getting into for the day.
“Hey, what up ho?” Lexi asked.
“Ain’t shit girl. I just got out the shower ‘bout to spark this fatty,” Quita said.
“You’re sounding awfully happy today,” Lexi said.
“Whatever. Guess what,” Quita said.
“What Quita?” Lexi asked flatly.
“Girl, I’m getting ready to go on a lunch date with Timmy,” Quita said sounding excited.
“Damn, not even 24 hours since y’all met and you already open,” Lexi teased.
“Bitch please you know my so called sister don’t keep no food in the crib, so when he asked me I damn sure accepted. Anyway he was poppin’ mad shit last night so I wanna see what he all about, so shut up ho,” Quita said.
“I ain’t hatin’ on you girl. Have a good time girl,” Lexi told her.
“Oh I am trust, and I’m getting the most expensive thing on the menu at the restaurant too.”
“I bet you are, and don’t do nothing I wouldn’t do,” Lexi added before she hung up in Quita’s ear without even giving her a chance to respond. ‘Fuckin ho!’ Quita thought . Beep, Beep! Timmy was out front blowing his horn.
“Damn he early. This nigga said one o’clock not twelve forty-five,” she said out loud. She quickly checked herself in the full-length mirror on the back of her bedroom door before she headed downstairs. When she walked outside she saw Timmy posted against his navy blue Chevy Impala looking very sexy with a single long stem rose. He was smiling from ear to ear.
When Quita got in the car she could smell his aroma. He had on some Egyptian Musk, and that shit blended with the trees he was smoking. That shit had Quita’s pussy dripping wet.
Quita laid back and enjoyed the ride while smoking a fat ass L. After fifteen minutes of driving in silence Quita she was becoming a little worried.
“Where are we headed?” Quita asked.
“Just enjoy the ride baby it’s a surprise,” he said smiling.
“Well maybe I don’t like surprises,” she said.
“You’ll like it I promise. Just chill beautiful,” Timmy reassured her.
Quita decided to relax and let the lyrics of Biggie Small’s “Ready To Die” album carry her to another state of mind. She was so high she didn’t even realize that they had stopped. When she looked up at the unfamiliar surroundings she was puzzled.
“Where are we? I thought we were getting a bite to eat?” Quita asked.
“We are getting a bite to eat. This is my spot.” Quita sat up in he seat so fast she got a head rush.
“Oh, hell naw nigga I agreed to lunch not a fuckin’ booty call. I don’t know what you used to, but it’s not that type of party. Take me home,” she demanded. Timmy put his hand on her thigh.
“Look baby girl I’m making lunch for you,” Timmy told her.
“Yeah right nigga. You cook?” She asked in a sarcastic tone.
“Yes I do, so don’t try to kill me. I’m not trying to do anything yet,” Timmy said.
“What you mean yet?” Quita said pissed yet flattered.
“Come on in baby I don’t bite,” Timmy said.
“Before I agree to come in ya crib, do you have any crazy ass ex-girlfriends that might drop by?” She asked.
“No silly. I don’t have any ex girls that might drop by,” Timmy reassured her.
Quita grabbed his hand and followed him into the house. When they entered the house she was very impressed that it was so neat and clean.